About Me

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Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Ordinary girl with a lot of dreams and still trying to make her dreams come true..

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What a JOB!!

I finally got a job, it's a business assistant in a private company at Sudirman..I was pretty excited about this job at the first time, but until the 4th day, my activities were just..ONLINE..yup, online,,ga ada kerjaan laen gw, ada si,,selain OL gw jg baca-baca file di kompi gw,,gw pelajarin company profile sama product profile perusahaan tempat gw kerja ini, but reading for 8 hours is such a one hell boring activity..UNTUNGNYA,,temen-temen kantor gw menyenangkan!! :D

They welcomed me well, tp di kantor ini karyawannya cuma dikit, mungkin emang ga butuh banyak kali ya...yah, walaupun boring, tapi gw jg belajar disini, belajar bikin surat (sebenernya lebih ke nyontekkin surat-surat yg udah ada), belajar bikin laporan (once again, sebenernya cuma liatin laporan yang udah ada), lumayan lah buat referensi..Paling ga, klo nanti gw apply ke better place, ada pengalaman kerja yang gw tulis di formulir lamaran kerja,,hahahaa..
Enjoying life....

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