Hmmm..Today's suck!!
I hate Monday,,not because it's Monday and it would be a long traffic jam but because I was in a bad mood,,real bad..Nanda masih marah sama gw (we still fight over silly things, unfortunately), kemarahannya Nanda bikin mood gw drop drop drop,,dan jd ga semangat buat jalan interview (but I kept going, anyway)..Suasana hati gw bener-bener ga enak banget dari kemaren (dari sabtu malam tepatnya), I've tried almost everything to say I'm sorry to him, but nothing worked, dan yang lebih nyiksa adalah, gw yang biasanya cengeng malah sekarang sama sekali ga bisa ngeluarin air mata,,itu nyiksa banget karena dada gw jd sesak dibuatnya...
Dikarenakan mood yg terlalu oke, kacau lah test excel gw, emang sii, emang gw ga terlalu bisa excel (krn jaraaaaaaaang bgt dipake, jd lupa), tp gw udah latihan,,tetep aja hati gw ga bisa diajak kompromi,,bikin tabelnya sukses, tp entry datanya awut2an,,kacaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuu!!!
Bahkan shoes therapy didn't work!!I really need to be alone right now..huff...
Kenapa Nanda begitu susah maafin gw yah??Hhh,,Only him and God know...Yah, untuk entertain myself, I put my favorit photo of him, gw suka banget liat dia di foto ini,,klo liat foto yang ini gw bisa ga ngedip..hihi....
This blog was made accidentally,,my lecturer told me to post all of the assignment in my blog..So, I made this blog..I didn't like it at the first time, but now.. I've been busy customizing it!! Haha!!
About Me

- Syugie's
- Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
- Ordinary girl with a lot of dreams and still trying to make her dreams come true..
Monday, July 19, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Lucky Girl
"Love is like an earthquake, unpredictable and a lil' bit scary. Butwhen the hardest part is over, you'll realize how lucky you are.."
That's what I learn from Johnny Depp, well, he didn't say it to me but I found his quotation on a daily newspaper. I think what he said is true, we never know whom we'll fall in love with, we could be in love with stranger, we could be in love with our own best friend(never happen to me), we even could be in love with our enemy!!
The last option might be a lil' bit annoying because logically, nobody wants to fall in love with someone they hate, right?. But, once again, love is unpredictable, and in the other hand, the line between love and hate is really thin. The more you hate someone, the more also the possibility of you to love that person as much as you hate him/her.
It happened to me once. I fell in love with someone I didn't like, but he was really nice to me until I got lost..But our relationship didn't work, he was a jerk. But it's okay, I never regret it, I chose him, didn't I?
Never regret about any bad things that happen to you, because everything happens for a reason.
Oh, I also fell in love with stranger. He got my eyes at the first time I saw him, and luckily he also felt the same way..But our relationship was very difficult, there were so many problems, but one thing that I realize was, this man was the first man who fight really hard for my love, and he was always there even when I hurt him. I asked him once about did I hurt him, and he said to me, "you don't hurt me, because I love you. And love doesn't hurt." That's the sweetest thing that a man did for me. That was also the reason why I still fall in love with him until this moment, and forever (I pray)..I'm the lucky girl ;)
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